
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conference

Today we are getting ready to head to Rogers, Arkansas for the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conference. This will be our first time going to this conference. This will also be the first time taking our kids to a conference like this. It's a big deal for them. YIKES! My husband usually stays with the kids while I go. He is such a trooper.

I know that anything like this is really intense for my two kids. We don't leave our children with many people. We are very, very choosey who we let into their little world. So we have put some contingencies into our game plan for the next few days. My husband is a big part of that game plan and I am so blessed to have his support. We are going today for registration and the whole family is going. YAY! We will stay as long as the kids can tolerate. There may be a lot of walking around and getting familiar to the building this evening. There are classes that Patrick will go to and I'll take the kids and classes that I'll go to and Patrick will  take the kids. We will make the best of what we have. We are a team.

I am excited to sit in on the sessions and meet other families on this journey. I wish there was more support available for families like ours to attend and spend time getting refreshed. Our homeschools are a bit different, I assume than a typical homeschool family. However, anything that I can include my kids in, even if it is just for a few minutes, is a special moment for me. This conference has a few more sessions geared specifically for homeschooling with special needs and for that I am thankful. I need a time to get new ideas and refresh from the day to day work that I do with my kids. I love hearing about new ideas and trying out new curriculum. This is really a treat for me. I'm so appreciative of my husband for helping make this a priority. ;)

Let me know if you are planning on being at the conference. I'd love to see you there.

I'll try to post pictures if I get a chance. I may have to clear up some storage space on my phone so I can. :) This is a never ending story for me. LOL

Hoping that everyone has a great day.

Shelli Allen,
That Autism MoM