I was so impressed with Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conference. I had an opportunity to hear Ken Ham speak. I went to almost all of his sessions and loved the information he shared. He had some really on target points to make about today's culture and the Christian Church. I took home some amazing resources from HSLDA'S. Educational plans for special needs homeschoolers and one other form that I can edit to help me tract goals and such for the kids. All of that was very helpful. If you are not a member of HSLDA I would highly recommend it. For $1,000.00 you can become a lifetime member, which is a huge saving and you have complete access to all their resources. They had yearly memberships as well, I believe it was $120.00 for the conference price. Not bad.
I was extremely excited to have a handful of classes that were just for homeschooling with special needs. I walked into the first class with other mom's homeschooling kids with special needs and I felt such an instant bond I didn't want to leave. It was like a sweet bear hug and a great pep talk of you CAN do this. I totally needed to hear that. Having kids with severe autism, I know our Homeschool days don't look like most. I'm okay with with not being typical in this way, but it is supper encouraging knowing that I'm not the only one out there braving this journey.
So my kids don't do well in these types of events.
And they don't like the change in the routine. But my heart always wants our family to experience this together. I enjoy seeing all the families at Homeschool conference and I want that desperately for me. However, I will not push my kids when it's just not necessary. I do have an amazing husband who really knows my heart and he understands our limitations well. So we compromised; he brought the kids during one of the breaks and I took my kids through the exhibit hall and sat down with my husband and told him a bit about what I was getting out of the days conference. After about 20 minutes the kids where maxed out and I walked with my family to the exit door to say good bye. I finished out the conference with my kids safely at home where they were much happier without out the craziness of the conference environment.
In one of our sessions, they talked about the difference in modifications and adaptations. I do both in our homeschool day. A modification is to simplify the lesson and adaptation is providing the tools necessary to do the work without altering the lesson. In our world I make a lot of modifications; more than I want. This is a clear indication of the severity of how much autism affectes my children's life. The truth is they wouldn't know the difference. They are loved and well cared for. I have learned that I can't change everything, I do what I can and give the rest to God. I have found this is the best way to live and deal with the difficult stuff in our life. I pray often for wisdom and seek for God's direction.
I am daily grateful to the love and support of my husband. He is my anchor, protector, and provider. I'm glad we get to walk this journey side by side.