
Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 5: Back to School Prayer Journey

Good Morning!! Rise and shine! It is day 5 of our Prayer Journey. We are praying 31 days for every day of the month for our kids school year. If you are just starting with us, I recommend joining our journey at day 1 and move forward each day. This was intended for homeschoolers, and that is what I focus on, but if you are joining us and your kids are in public schools, It would not hurt tailoring your prayer journey to fit that need.

So Let's get started! Grab your journal, pen, and bible and let's get started!! Ok I almost forgot the coffee, I must never for get that!

Today's verse is another favorite of mine. 3rd John 1:4 - I pull all my verses from the King James Version, but feel free to use whatever version you are comfortable with.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

My Prayer:

Dear Lord,
I love you and today I just simply ask for your wisdom for these two beautiful children that you have blessed me with. Let me everyday be an example to them of your love and grace that you have exampled to me in my own life.

In Jesus Name.

Thank you all for joining in with me today. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we walk into day 6 of our prayer journey.

Blessings for your day,

Shelli Allen,
That Autism MOM

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