
Friday, September 2, 2016

Pumpkin Spice Coffee

I'm in the office this morning sipping on Pumpkin Spice Coffee while the kids are outside playing and soaking up this beautiful weather. Windows are all open and I am counting down the hours for my husband walks through the door.

We got some great pumpkin spice coffee for the Keurig and I love it. So does my son.

I walked into the living room to find this cutie sitting on the couch sipping on my pumpkin spice. See the ornery look in those eyes; it's a constant look for him. He is so full of life and love. He was caught yesterday helping his little sister out of the car. It melts my heart. I am so thankful for these moments of clarity for me. This is what is important to me, these kids, our family, and moments that we spend together living our life dependent on one another. Family life lessons are being taught here. Lessons that include pumpkin spice coffee and a comfy blanket on a September Morning. :) This is the stuff that life is made of. I am feeling fall in the air and this makes me so happy.

Let's be thankful.

Shelli Allen, That autism Mom

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