
Thursday, August 11, 2016

I Pledge Allegiance

School is starting next week in our home. Not a whole lot will change from our daily routine because really, we do school year round. I am always trying to engage my children in some type of learning all year round. It works best with our need for "sameness" and gives us a consistency that helps my children thrive.

These are two of the three pledges that we do as apart of our morning routine. It may seem silly to quote the pledges as apart of a home education, but its a simple tradition that I wanted to give my children. My poster with the America pledge on it got damaged so I've got to get a new one before next Monday. My kids look forward to doing the pledge. When we first started this last year, I would have to hold both my kids hands over their heart as I would say the pledge. Talking about awkward!! But I kept with it and both kids now will place their hands over their heart for the pledges by themselves. It is really cute to watch them.

The Bible Pledge goes like this:
"I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's holy word.
I will make it a lamp unto my path and
will hide it's words in my heart that I might not sin against God."

The Christian Flag Pledge goes like this:
"I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the
Savior for whose Kingdom it stands,
one Savior, crucified, risen, and
coming again, with life and liberty to all who believe."

I assume you all know the Pledge to the American Flag. So I wont include it here. We also do a morning calendar. I can truthfully say I need this probably more than the kids do. I would never know what the date was if I didn't do this. It is easy for me to get lost in the routines and never think of today is the eighth  and it's Monday. So we do a daily calendar as well the weather. We will also be tracking the first 100 days of school just for the fun of it. :)

Part of our morning routine is our morning chores. Josh, my oldest, loves to work. He is really a determined little worker in our house. He is usually up before anyone vacuuming his room and living area. This wakes us all up usually before the alarm would go off. We don't typically set an alarm. We never know how sleep is going to happen at night. This is such a great perk for us. Sleep has always been hit and miss. So this works out great.

Learning happens in so many shapes and forms. This is Izzy tall kneeling, which is great, doing some drawing. She started out writing her name then moved on. I am so thankful to witness these joyous moments with my kids.

The last thing I want to share in this scattered post is our daily schedule. It is right by our clock and like the calendar, it really helps me and the kids stay on task. I would probably forget to feed the kids if I didn't have these posted throughout the house. :O)

Let me know how you do your home education. I'd love to read how you all do school at home with your kids. What are your goals for this school year?

Hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into our little world.

Shelli Allen, That Autism Mom

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